I feel very blessed for the life I have been given.
I doubt I will ever be able to give back as much as what has been given to me. When I can, I try to write songs today that have a spiritual base. When I am really lucky, my songs will touch the hearts and souls of people who hear them and hopefully though music our world can begin to change for the better.
Save the Children

My husband, Bob Daly, is the Chairman of Save the Children, which is how I got involved in making the CD, “It’s Still Okay to Dream” with all proceeds going to this wonderful organization. The record is a compilation of some of the more touching and uplifting songs I’ve ever heard. Artists such as Don Henley, James Taylor and Eric Clapton allowed me to choose and use songs from their many recordings that just made you feel a little more hopeful about our world. Kenny Edmonds and I wrote the title track for this project.
Save the Children is the leading independent organization creating real and lasting change for children in need in the United States and around the world. It is a member of the International Save the Children Alliance, comprising 28 national Save the Children organizations working in more than 110 countries to ensure the well-being of children.
The history of Save the Children is a story of positive change and people — millions of people in thousands of communities around the globe — working together to create opportunities for the world’s children to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives. In January 1932 in a small room in New York City, a group of concerned citizens gathered to respond to the needs of the proud people of Appalachia hard hit by the Great Depression.
The inspiration and vision for Save the Children came in part from the international children’s rights movement begun in England in 1919 by Eglantyne Jebb, founder of the British Save the Children Fund. From this early effort in the hills and hollows of Harlan County, Kentucky grew a self-help philosophy and practice still at work today in more than 45 countries — providing communities with a hand up, not a handout.
This approach — working with families to define and solve the problems their children and communities face and utilizing a broad array of strategies to ensure self-sufficiency is the cornerstone of all Save the Children’s programs. Through the decades, we have evolved into a leading international relief and development organization. Countless events and achievements have shaped the development of our organization and helped change the lives of the children we serve
Donors Choose

A good friend of ours, Bette Midler introduced us to Donors Choose as an on-line charity that she loved. Soon after we became aware of them, my husband, Bob Daly and I met with the Chairman and Founder of Donors Choose, Charles Best. We were so impressed with him and his work that we pledged to open the Los Angeles Chapter of Donors Choose. With my collaborator, the creative animator, Patrick Smith, we did 4 Public Service Announcements to raise the awareness of this wonderful on-line charity. Here are the ones we created. I must once again thank Morgan Freeman, Sidney Poitier, Bette Midler and Clair Danes for narrating these important service announcements.
DonorsChoose.org was pioneered by teachers at a Bronx public high school in the spring of 2000. Charles Best, then a social studies teacher, saw first-hand the scarcity of materials in our public school classrooms and the profound impact of this scarcity on kids’ education. Looking for a way to address this problem, he sensed an untapped potential in people who were frustrated by their lack of influence over the use of their charitable donations. DonorsChoose.org, a website connecting classrooms in need with individuals who want to help, was born.
amfAR Aids Research

Elizabeth Taylor was the first person to make me aware of an organization called amfAR, American Foundation for Aids Research. With that awareness, Burt Bacharach and I chose to donate all of the money we made from our song, “That’s What Friends Are For” to this wonderful charity which has done so much to come up with drugs that allow people with Aids to continue to live their lives. I am grateful to Dr. Matilda Krim for all she does as Founder of this great organization.
amfAR supports innovative research into the improvement of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment strategies-strategies that might ultimately result in viral eradication. The Foundation plays a vital role in advancing emerging ideas by providing seed money to researchers for early-stage projects, and enables young researchers to establish their careers in HIV/AIDS. With amfAR’s support, researchers can gather the preliminary data required by other founders of AIDS research, thus allowing a relatively small amfAR investment to be leveraged into large-scale studies of lifesaving interventions.
Neil Bogart Foundation

Neil Bogart was a close friend of mine, he was also one of the great impresarios of pop music of his time. He introduced us to Donna Summer and disco was born. He also was a great believer in Burt Bacharach and myself and urged Burt and I to do a record together which we did, “Sometimes Late at Night”. Neil was a man of great vision, but maybe not in our case. However, I am still very proud of this record and would never have done it without Neil’s constant encouragement and support. When Neil was first diagnosed with cancer, he tried to continue his work as though he were well. He lived his life to the fullest and when Neil died in 1982, Joyce Bogart and I founded the Neil Bogart Foundation to honor his memory and to help children afflicted with cancer.
Originally working closely with the TJ Martel Foundation, the Neil Bogart charity has raised millions and millions of dollars all of which go to saving lives, research and treatment for Children’s Hospital here in Los Angeles, California.
Neil Bogart Pediatric Cancer Research Program, which conducts the only leukemia and cancer research for infants, children, and adolescents for the T.J. Martell Foundation. Investigators in the Pediatric Cancer and Leukemia Program investigate childhood malignancies of the nervous system (brain tumors, neuroblastoma), the eye (retinoblastoma) muscle and bone (sarcomas), and blood cells (leukemias).
Global Giving

This is the newest organization I plan to help in any way I can. I was introduced to it through Charles Best, founder of Donors Choose, who I have the utmost respect for. I was describing to him something I very much wanted to do, which turned out to be very much in sync with what Global Giving has already begun doing. I hope to be able to contribute to Global Giving in a number of meaningful ways.
GlobalGiving is a marketplace for goodness – where you can browse ways to help others around the world, pick the ones you are most passionate about, and give to the solution.
Their mission is to build an efficient, open, thriving marketplace that connects people who have community and world-changing ideas with people who can support them.
This organization connects donors to projects via our website, www.globalgiving.com, as well as through custom giving services–helping corporations, foundations, affinity groups, and other institutions with their specific giving needs.

A member of the Board of Trustees since 2009, Carole has played a role in bringing more female artists works to the museum. she also made a PSA helping spread awareness about Los Angeles’ only encyclopedic museum. She serves on the Trustees committee bringing new creative people on to the already impressive museum Board.